Where am I?

In 2020, this was Trouble with the Snack. Last summer, it was Midnight Audible. Now, it’s just the home of longer-form musings I have that don’t fit the confines of Twitter.

Oh, for f*ck’s sake, Taylor. Why do you keep changing the name of this newsletter?

Because I write it and you don’t.

What do I get for subscribing?

Aside from my undying gratitude, a free newsletter to your inbox once a whenever. I’m back to writing about whatever I want, but you’ll probably get some stuff that loosely covers…

  • sports

  • mental health (which you’ll take with a large grain of salt, because I’m not a mental health professional and I am not giving you any advice)

  • houseplants (which you’ll take with a large grain of salt, because I’m not a plant care professional and I am not giving you any advice)

  • being online (which is something you should take my advice on, actually, because this is an area where I’ve put my 10,000 hours in)

Subscribe to Seltzer Stuff

idk it's the second rebrand and i'm out of ideas. potpourri words and stuff by @seltzermom.


Aimless sports fan with feelings about more than sports. Sorry in advance.